Saturday, May 31, 2008


(proposed TV script for a docudrama)

(scene opens showing sheriff riding into town holding
the reins of a second horse on which is a handcuffed man)

"Who you got thar Sheriff Doran"? "Got me a suspected
cattle rustler". (crowd gathers)."Why you onery sidewinder
we'll show yall what we do to cattle rustlers round heah" Another
shouts, "get a rope,boys"." Now,now, hold on boys, the sheriff yells
out..."we gonna hang the varment alright,,,but first we gonna
give him a "fair" trial in Judge Walthers' court"..."then, we'll hang him".

Judge Walthers listens to sheriff Doran's suspicions and
allegations...The judge asked the cowboy if he was a baptist.
"No",he said he was a mormon. At that point, Walthers rules
that the defendant has failed to prove he was innocent...and
sentences him to be hanged. A mob then rushes forward, grabs
him, and drags him to a large tree. They throwa rope over a limb
and hang him. A week later the ranch foreman from neighboring
county brings in a Bill of Sale showing that the defendant did own
those cattle after all.

Later a number of that lynch mob gathers in the saloon to discuss
the hanging. "Well, its not our fault that he was innocent"."Besides,
we were only trying to protect those cattle against someone that
might not own em"." Yeh,Yeh", the crowd murmers in agreement.
"Anyway, people like that got no bidness coming round these parts
looking different and believing different from us god fearing
baptists"." Yep, and CPS did tell us they had CONCERNS about the
safety of those cattle....and, they sez that feller mighta been having
sex with the calves in that herd". "Thats right",'thats right", the
crowd agreed. Well, lets just forget about it and have another beer."

So, as Dale Robertson would say, "and thats been another tale of the old west".

BERNARD BARUCH: "Anyone taken as an individual is tolerably
sensible and reasonable--as a member of a crowd, he at once
becomes a blockhead". Even the kindest, gentlest people, when
they descend into groupthink, turn into savages."

Friday, May 23, 2008



All of the state's grievous actions in it's gestapo
tactics, and justifications for such actions, has been
touted as doing so to "protect the children".

Well, what they have done has had the total op-
posite impact upon those children. Regardless of
the age of those mothers (or fathers), those children
were secure, sheltered and living in an environment
of love and happiness. They were bonded to their
mothers, and/or mothers ( as the case may be)

All of the psychological research has proven that
this early bonding and love is essential to develope-
ment of a well adjusted adult. Forensic psychology
has ample case studies which prove that serial killers
and others with psychotic or neurotic
personalities can, in many cases, be traced back
to a lack of any bonding of love and affection as a child.
A feeling of being secure and protected also plays a
major role in healthy development.

When the state tore those children away from
their parents, they could not possibly process or
understand what was happening to them. Most
will feel that they have done something wrong
...and will feel the anguish of guilt and fear in
being separated from that bonding. Then you
add to that a strange and unfamiliar living
environment and the child is even more fright-
ened and confused.

Did that District Judge or CPS take any of this
harm to the child in consideration when they
arbitrarily and arrogantly engineered that
invasion to "protect those children"?

And, then, when the news comes out, via the
the mental health workers, that, instead of trying
to comfort those children, the behavior of the CPS
staff toward those children and mothers was un-
believably mean, uncaring and nasty. They were
simply treated as inmates in a maximum security

It was reported that even during the birth of a
baby to one of the girls, there were two of the
CPS staff in the delivery room to kidnap the baby
right after birth. (did they think that baby would
come out and start running to get away?)

Any gynecologist will tell you that the bonding
of mother and baby right after birth is especially
important . Finally, a mothers should breast feed
her baby for at least 2-3 months to give the
baby a healthy immune system. One more proof
of callous indifference by CPS.

Thursday, May 22, 2008



Never have I seen a case where a state agency (CPS) has relied
so heavily on a smear campaign made up of lie after lie to justify
their actions (and those of other state agencies - including that
of a warped District Judge). That is, undoubtedly, why that judge
has never issued a gag order in this case. They hope the focus
of the public will be diverted to those absurd lies and vile con-
jectures, rather than a consideration of facts NOT in evidence
...and will not view this travesty of justice for the unconscionable
violation of civil rights which it is.


1. First of all, there should never have been an invasion of that
private property. The pretext for that armed intrusion (a hoax
perpetrated by that neurotic black girl) might have risen to
"probable cause" but how did that justify breaking into their
safe and all of their files and computers? Actually, facts have
now come to light that the authorities knew ahead of that raid
that the supposed culprit had been out of the state for several
years. That makes all such seizures of property and children
even more illegal. An intentional violation of due process
by the fascists.

2. CPS targets its accusations and smears mainly by attaching
the word "sex" to almost every activity and conduct practiced
by that FLDS sect:

a. "Spirit Marriages: One could argue that all marriages
are "spiritual" ceremonies. What is the different between
a marriage by a Justice of the peace, and/or by a Captain
of the good ship lollipop, and a spirit marriage conducted
by an elder at that FLDS compound? I can suggest one big
difference. The FLDS marriages will reflect a greater
"commitment" to their vows and/or ceremony than nor-
mal non-spirit marriages.

The FLDS man who marries a wife stays married to her,
and sees to it that any kids born of that union are well fed,
healthy and happy. On the other hand, there are huge
numbers of divorces between couples that are not members
of FLDS. Accordingly, there are a large number of ex-
wives who are struggling to raise their kids as single moms.

Of course, a "spirit" marriage might also be defined as one
which is not officially recorded. That would be explained by
the fact that without such records there in no proof that a
husband has engaged in marriage to plural wives. So, to
practice a tenet of their beliefs/religion, they must resort to
sub-rosa marriages.

b. Sexual abuse and rape: There has been no evidence
whatever that there is any sex taking place outside of a
marriage. And, sex within a marriage is neither sexual
abuse or matter how the officials and media twist
the actual facts.

Of course, I don't doubt that some girls have chosen to
get married as early as 14 years of age. But no girls have
come forward to testify that they were "forced"into those
marriages... and none have complained that they are unable
to discontinue any such marriages should they wish to do so -
and/or to voluntarily leave that compound.

c. A more recent smear by those desperate zealots were
allegations that many boys had broken bones - insin-
uating that the men in that compound had intentionally
mistreated them psysically to the point of breaking their
bones. If, indeed, that is to be explored, then there should
be a disinterested and respected orthopedic surgeon
examine each such male child to obtain the truth about
such injury. But, it should be noted that not a single one
of those boys have come forward to reveal any such
psysical abuse?That did not dissuade Nancy Dis-grace
of CNN from slandering the doctor that treated those alleging that said doctor probably covered up
the abuses since he was aligned to FLDS. I only hope that
doctor sues CNN and Nancy Dis-grace for slander and
defamation of character.

3. Next, we have the allegations by CPS that these children
are being "conditioned" or brainwashed to live the kind of lives
they lead. Lord knows we are all being conditioned every day to
accept the idea that we must stay in Iraq and suffer those
human and financial costs in order to "stabilize"that country.
But, then, that conditioning has not/will not convince me.

CPS and Nancy Grace are conditioning us to believe that people
and groups are guilty untill proven innocent. Our children in
public schools are being conditioned to accept homosexuality,
lesbianism, and same sex marriages as being normal. They are
forced to read " Why susie has two mommas", and, "Daddy's live
-in friend". They are taught sex education in schools - where, in
the sixrh grade, they are learning to put condoms on cucumbers.

If parents are catholic, don't they have the right to condition
their children to believe in going to mass every Sunday; and
learn how to say their addition to confessing all
their sins to the priest in the booth? Don't the jews have the
right to teach their kids to eat kosher. Don't muslims have the
right to teach their kids the belief that one should not eat pork
because the meat is impure?

Then, why shouldn't FLDS parents have the right to"condition"
their children in their own religious beliefs and practices.
Perhaps we should turn over parental instruction of all our
children to CPS...who can teach them to become secular hypocrits
like themselves.

4. Undercover Agent?:
It was no long ago when we were told that all those accusations
and slander could be proved because there had been an
undercover agent working inside that coumpound. But during
the temporary hearing on custody of those kids, the state did
not produce any testimony from such person with first hand
knowledge of illegal acts. ANOTHER FAT LIE.They did produce
a psychologist - who is a hack for the state to help any kids that
manage to survive any atrocities caused by the government
(he treated the kids from the Davidian compound outside Waco).
He is a clone of that Dr Grigsby (known as Doctor Death) who
was a psychiatrist in Dallas County that the DA could always
count on to testify that a person, who the state wanted to
sentence to death, was a sociopath.

Finally, the idea that the courts might condition the release of
those children back to their parents on having them attend some
sort of indoctrination on how they should raise their children, is
too absurd to even contemplate. Many of the women in that sect
have probably mothered 4 or more children. And, they have
several other mothers to back them up in parental duties. Cer-
tainly, all parties involved in this case would agree that those kids
are clean, well-mannered and healthy. I would be willing to wager
that any kids being raised by those CPS feaks not only delinquents
but are probably smoking pot or doing meth. And, while their kids
may not be marrying older men, they have likely been sexually
active since they turned 14 (or younger).

If CPS is all that shocked that there are underage FLDS girls giving
birth, why don't they attempt to take the infants away from all
those nderage young girls in our society who are not members of
FLDS ..and have no husbands to support either those girls or their
infants. Instead, our society attempts to subsidize those girls with
Aid to Dependent Children; food stamps; subsidized housing;etc,etc.
There is something missing in the reasoning in this case. The
courts should apply a bit of common sense in trying to deal with
problems that do not exist - save and except for those that have
been created by the officials of the State ofTexas. The only pro-
tection that those children need is to be protected from CPS and
the predudice of that methodist judge against the FLDS's beliefs.


Where are those constitutional scholars who usually speak up for
the constitutional rights of the terrorists at Gitmo?

For more extensive links to this matter go to: